The Board of Directors of Methanol Chemicals Company is pleased to invite its esteemed shareholders to attend the third Extra Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held on Monday 10/09/1438 H. corresponding to 05/06/2017 at 10:30 pm in Novotel Hotel ,Dammam ( to consider the following agenda (attached) The legal quorum for the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting shall be valid if attended by any number of shareholders. As per the rules and regulations, all Company shareholders who are registered at the Securities Depository Centre Co. (Depository Centre) on the end of the trading day that precedes the date of the General Assembly Meeting shall have the right to attend the meeting.It is worth mentioning that the electronic voting service shall be available on Tadawulaty website ( as of Thursday, 01/06/2017, 10:00 am, and continous until 4:00 pm of the same day of meeting to enable shareholders to vote on the agenda items. Shareholders who desire to attend the meeting are requested to arrive early prior to the commencement of the meeting in order to complete the necessary registration procedures. Shareholders who are unable to attend on the scheduled time and want to give proxy to others (other than Board members and Company personnel), have to send a copy of the necessary proxies attested by a chamber of commerce or licensed banks or persons licensed for attestation activities in the kingdom or notary public, at least two days before the meeting date, to the following address:Methanol Chemicals Co.Road # 198Jubail Industrial CityP. O. Box 2101 Jubail 31951Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Shareholders are requested to bring the original copy of the proxy and national ID (in person or by proxy). For further information and queries, please call at (0133438008) or send email to:
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