Trimethylamine is tertiary alkylamine and co-produced with monomethylamine (MMA) and dimethylamine (DMA). It is used as raw material for the production of choline based pharmaceuticals, surfactants, solvents, ion-exchange resins etc. E.g., Choline chloride, Chlormequat chloride, Trimethylamine Hydrochloride (TMAHCL) etc.
major applications
- Animal Nutrient: In manufacture of vitamin B supplement for animals
- Catalyst: Used as catalyst or to produce catalyst
- Electronics Industry: As an accelerator for epoxy resins in manufacture of specialty chemicals for electronic Industry.
- Explosives Industry: In manufacture of water gel explosives
- Fuel Additive: As gasoline additive, in aviation fuel as antiknock compound
- Paper Chemicals: Used as cationizing starch
- Resin Industry: In manufacture of water treatment resins
- Pharmaceuticals